Europe’s Largest Private Members Club for High Net Worth Investors
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Your Occupation or Business:
What do you enjoy most about being a Beaufort member?
What could we do that would be most useful to you in the coming months?
Have you made any investments through Beaufort, if so, which ones?
If you’ve yet to invest, what factors have caused you not to proceed?
Please prioritise our content using 1 for most useful and 5 for least helpful:
- Beaufort Letter (Our quarterly physical newsletter):12345
- Simon's email broadcasts:12345
- Wealth Week videos:12345
- Investment related webinars:12345
- Live events:12345
Are you aware of our Wealth360 Financial Planning service? YesNo
Would this combined session with Simon and an IFA/Tax Consultant be useful for you? YesNo
How likely are you to recommend Beaufort Society to a friend, family member or colleague?
Unlikely Highly Likely
Any Other Comments?
How did you find out about Beaufort?
First name Last name Email Phone
What is your business or occupation?
less than 4040-4950-5960-69over 70
What is your biggest investment challenge?
What has been your best investment experience?
And your worst?
How could we most help you?
Do you own a property portfolio? Yes/No If yes please describe it.
Do you own stocks and shares? NoYes
Do you own shares in unlisted companies? NoYes
Do you have a pension plan? NoYes
Leaving aside your main home and pension, in what range does your current investment portfolio lie? less than £250,000£250,000 - £999,000£1-3 million£3-10 million£10 million
What liquid funds do you have available to invest?
Is there a timeframe in which you are looking to invest?
If you would like to plan a Wealth 360 planning session NoYes
FCA Regulations require us to hold a certification from you that you qualify as a high net worth investor. Please click the button below and sign the relevant statement.
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