I make this statement so that I can receive promotional communications which are exempt from the restriction on promotion of alternative, unregulated, non-mainstream pooled investments. The exemption relates to certified high net worth investors and I declare that I qualify as such because at least one of the following applies to me:

  • I had, throughout the financial year immediately preceding the date below, an annual income to the value of £100,000 or more. Annual income for these purposes does not include money withdrawn from my pension savings (except where the withdrawals are used directly for income in retirement).
  • I held, throughout the financial year immediately preceding the date below, net assets to the value of £250,000 or more. Net assets for these purposes do not include:

(a) the property which is my primary residence or any money raised through a loan secured on that property; or

(b) any rights of mine under a qualifying contract of insurance; or

(c) any benefits (in the form of pensions or otherwise) which are payable on the termination of my service or on my death or retirement and to which I am (or my dependants are), or may be, entitled; or

(d) any withdrawals from my pension savings (except where the withdrawals are used directly for income in retirement).

I accept that the investments to which the promotions will relate may expose me to a significant risk of losing all of the money or other property invested.

I am aware that it is open to me to seek advice from an authorised person who specialises in advising on non-mainstream pooled investments.

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Timestamp Audit
5 January 2023 13:58 GMTHIGH NET WORTH INVESTOR STATEMENT Uploaded by Simon Walker - reachout@beaufortsociety.com IP
5 January 2023 22:36 GMTLachlan - lacmalone@gmail.com added by *deleted* - daphne@beaufortsociety.com as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
6 January 2023 10:01 GMTDaphne Rowan - daphne@beaufortsociety.com added by *deleted* - graham@beaufortprivateequity.com as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
6 January 2023 10:01 GMT*deleted* - graham@beaufortsociety.com added by *deleted* - graham@beaufortprivateequity.com as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
29 November 2024 15:44 GMTBeaufort Society - reachout@beaufortsociety.com added by Simon Walker - reachout@beaufortsociety.com as a CC'd Recipient Ip: